About Us
The vision of Steppingstone ministry began as God placed a burden for the youth of Burleson on the heart of founder, Gloria Gillaspie. She saw the youth in bondage to the deception of drugs, satanic rock music, witchcraft, and immorality. As she prayed, fasted and cried out to God, He began to birth the vision for a youth ministry which would have a great impact on the youth. So on January 10, 1976, the vision became a reality when the little house on the corner of Dobson and Miller Street opened as Steppingstone Youth Center, having been donated by her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Lewis.
As the ministry began, Satan stirred up much opposition, but God spoke from Isaiah 60:1-4 to "Arise, shine, for thy light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee! For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people; but the Lord shall arise upon thee (Burleson) and His glory shall be seen upon thee." Through this and many other witnesses, He spoke that if we would press on and not give up, that we would see a mighty revival that would affect the whole city and surrounding areas.
God moved in a powerful way by saving youth, changing lives, and delivering them from drugs and other bondages. In 1981, God began to speak that Steppingstone Youth Ministry was to expand into a church. In January, 1982, Steppingstone Family Church opened with a message of revival and the glad tidings of God's love reaching out.
The Lord continued to add to the church which enabled us to build a new sanctuary in February, 1986. Through His continued blessings, we have an educational building with approximately 8,000 additional square feet to better accommodate our growing Children's Ministry and Sunday School Department.
A new, 20,000 square foot sanctuary has been built to expand for the harvest. Because "Arise, shine, for your light has come!" Isaiah 60:1 has always been our commission, we have changed our name to The Lighthouse Church of Burleson. We believe we are to be a light to shine forth the love of Jesus in our community, and that the Lord is raising up an army to reach the lost and through the name of Jesus, take our city for God!
301 S. Dobson Street
Burleson Texas 76028